How to study fot cat 2019 give some strategy? Which help me while preparing and also give some tips to crack cat without coaching
Dear Anmol,
Without studying in coaching you can also crack CAT. Going to coaching is not the gateway to crack CAT. Stragegy and knowing your exam is the key to crack CAT. Generally there are four parts in CAT Exam: VA/RC & LR/DI. See the pattern of each and every topic and start preparing for the exam.
Tips to crack CAT:
- Clear your Basics: The first thing should be to clear your basics in each part. If you know your basics you can solve any complex problems.
- Time block : Keep a slot for each and every part. For example, if you study 4 hours a day, then you can allocate each hour to each part. Like 1hour to VA, 1hour to RC and so on. In that way you can give time to each and every topic. You can also time block for a particular topic. For example, you can give 15 mins to learn vocabulary everyday and another 30mins to practise comphrehension.
- Mock test: Give mock test regularly. Or atleast once in 2 days. There are many online mock test available. Also if you donot want coaching, but you can apply for mock test in those coaching. Mock tests are important, because that will help you in learning your weak points. You can focus on that weak point and improve.
- Make a plan and set goals: Make a monthly, quarterly and half-yearly plan. Make goals for each and every month. Keep a track whether you have reached those goals by end of that month. In this way you can complete your syllabus less stress-fully.
- Believe in yourself : I feel this is the most important thing. If you don't beleive in yourself, you will loose confidence.
- Keep calm and motivated: Mental health is important when its come to one of the most important competitive exam. Hence keep your calm and motivated. You can do it.
Let me know if you need any more help !!
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Get started with basics & then eventually work your way up the problem sets.That is the way to go.
Firstly its imperative that you know what is the syllabus for the CAT examination.You can find that from TIME,IMS,CL or any other CAT coaching site.
But the important topics for for all three sections are as follows-
Quant-Geometry,Arithmetic,Number System & Logarithm(1–2 question). P & C ,Probability (1–2) question.
Verbal- RC(24/34 question) Parajumble,Parasummary (4 question each)
DI/LR-Game based Caselets.Logical DI,Question on pathways.Maximum & Minimum questions.
These are important topics when it comes to CAT.
Below are few pointers I suggest to work on for CAT preparation.
I will suggest CBSE NCERT book for Maths,English and Arihant for LR/DI .Though Arun Sharma is good for Maths ,but given the level of quant in past two year .
Also start reading newspaprs start with reading Hindu Editorials .You can move to reading economic times ,New York Times later on.Read ,read and read!! Trust me it helps a lot in CAT RC .