I am a 1st yr mbbs student. I want to know which are the best rated MCQ books for 1.) Anatomy 2.) Physiology 3.) Biochemistry please do reply :-)
Answer (1)
The best mcq books for neet pg are:
Anatomy- Rajesh kaushal/raviraj
Physiology- Krishna Kumar( CRISP)
Biochemistry- Rebecca james
Make sure you have read the standard books like BD Chaurasia/Vishram Singh for anatomy, GK Pal/ AK Jain for physiology and Satyanarayan/Vasudevan for biochemistry before attempting to read mcq books.
You can also read certain topics you do not understand from the standard reference books like Grey's anatomy, Guyton/Ganong and Harper/Lippincott.
I would suggest read the textbook first then read the mcq books and solve questions.
Hope this helps.
All the best
The best mcq books for neet pg are:
Anatomy- Rajesh kaushal/raviraj
Physiology- Krishna Kumar( CRISP)
Biochemistry- Rebecca james
Make sure you have read the standard books like BD Chaurasia/Vishram Singh for anatomy, GK Pal/ AK Jain for physiology and Satyanarayan/Vasudevan for biochemistry before attempting to read mcq books.
You can also read certain topics you do not understand from the standard reference books like Grey's anatomy, Guyton/Ganong and Harper/Lippincott.
I would suggest read the textbook first then read the mcq books and solve questions.
Hope this helps.
All the best
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