I am class 12 (med) student. Plz suggest me some ways 2 prepare fr Physics.. I m cmpltly blank in physics... Plzz suggest! Tia
1) REMOVE YOUR PHOBIA - Many students give up on this only because they develop a sense of fear or aversion, whatever you wish to call it. That is not going to help you get any better in this subject. You have to like this subject if you wish to do well.
2) FIND A MENTOR - A mentor can be anyone, your classmate, your teacher at the coaching institution where you might be going or a home tutor if you have one. Ask your doubts without any hesitation. Mind you, this is VERY IMPORTANT. Let your mentor help you in developing your concepts.
3)PRACTICE - Now once you've understood a concept, find out how well you have understood the concept. Now how will you do that?
Simple, pick up a good book that offers you a significant number of objective based questions and begin solving. Got few doubts? Try solving them on your own. Still not getting it right? RUN BEHIND YOUR MENTOR UNTIL YOUR DOUBTS GET CLARIFIED. This is will give you a lot of confidence in the long run.
4)BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - We all undergo a phase where we begin doubting our abilities. This is very normal. But what is important is how you deal with it. Have faith in yourself and believe in the fact that whatever you're doing will fetch you what you want. Consistency is the key.
Hope this helps!
Physics is a subject with major emphasis on understanding. If you focus on understanding the concepts instead of merely rote memorizing the formulas you'll go a long way ahead. What really helped me was instead of memorizing the formulas I focused on understanding how the formula was derived. Once you start deriving the formulas yourself after going over them a couple of times. You will start seeing patterns even in different chapters, you will notice for example, how even in different topics there are parallels. You will start noticing how the different variables have a linear relationship or inversely proportional or square relationship. By the time you take your exams, you will find it easier, to come up with the answers by knowing these relationships and deriving the formulas really fast without making the effort to memorize each and every one. So I emphasize the following strategies to win in physics: - UNDERSTAND concepts instead of rote memorization. Ask your teacher to help you understand key concepts. GO TO HIM/HER WITH DOUBTS. Never feel embarrassed or feel you're wasting his time. PLEASE TRUST ME - SOLVE A LOT OF MCQs. The more you have practice the better. SOLVE NCERT book questions they are very concept based. - Always approach physics as a FUN Puzzle based subject. And before you know it you'll start enjoying it.
If need be keep a home tutor if you can afford one to help you clear your doubts.
Physics is concept based, you don't have to memroise any of it, you need to understand it.
The more you practice the better you why, so don't stop doing MCQ's, keep on doing and keep on asking your teacher if you have any doubts. Even if you feel the doubt is dumb, ask your teacher.
Take one part at a time and do as many numerical as possible. And keep revising the core concepts.
Also, even after putting in a pot of effort you still find it difficult then concentrate more on biology and chemistry. They will balance out physics in the main exam.
Hope this helps.
In this ways you can prepare yourself for exams-
1)Avoid Physics-Phobia: Many students who are not so good in Mathematics think that it is their destiny to be weaker in Physics too. This negative thinking should be avoided as it becomes biggest hurdle in their path of success.
2)Physics is not Mathematics: You may be weaker in Mathematics, but, it cannot stop you from succeeding in Physics. Yes, it is a fact that you need some calculation skills to excel in it. But, in addition to it, you need to learn other stuffs too. For example- some topics fromOptics,Modern PhysicsincludingElectronics(Semiconductor) hardly require higher mathematical skills from you. You can perform well in those units.
3)Take interest in Physics: Unless you take interest in it, you will not succeed even after doing lots of hard work.
4)Physics is not limited to Numericals: Many students avoid Physics thinking that it is loaded with numericals. To a certain extent, they are right. Numerical problems are in almost every chapter of Physics.But, in class 12 CBSE board exam, you will be asked numericals of only 15 marks. So, dont waste your time in just solving numerical. If you find it tough, leave this section and proceed ahead, prepare other sections. Study theoretical portions properly.
5)Learn all Formulas thoroughly. Revise them regularly. Try to solve 5-10 numerical problems based on learned chapters daily. Consult your teachers and friends for any help. You can also participate in group discussion.
6)Forclass 12CBSE,ICSEandother state board exams,Modern Physicsis very important. Students who are weaker in Mathematics must prepare these chapters like Electronics, Dual Nature of Radiation and Atom and Nuclei properly as they do not require mathematical skills much. These chapters are equally important for competitive exams too.
7)Optics is a very important unit for board exams. In CBSE class 12 board exam, it carries14 marks. Never neglect this unit. Chapters like Electrostatics, Current and Electricity, Magnetism and EMI and AC should be prepared from the very beginning of the academic session.
8)Study Physics regularly: While preparing Physics, it should not be like that you learn a chapter today then leave the subject unattended for the next 2 to 3 days. Instead, after learning a chapter, practice different types of numerical from it. At least an hour of regular self-study is must for the better preparation of Physics.
9)All your preparation should revolve around NCERT. Whether, you are preparing for board exams (CBSE, ICSE or others) or competitive exams, NCERT book is vital. Lots of direct questions are asked from it even in various entrance exams. You can take help of side-books too. But,try to cover all NCERT topics, if you want to get 90 plus marks.
10)Go through previous 5 to 10 years question papers. You will get an idea about the question pattern and it will also help you in shortlisting important questions. Solving sample paper...

Physics is a very interesting subject if u don't make it a burden.
Trust me u will face no problems in physics if u practice it regularly.
Read ur ncert carefully and practice the questions given even if u are not able to do exercise questions then it's ohkay because they are a bit tough for everyone .
Never let ur confidence go down I repeat never because that's the thing that can lift u up whenever u want .
And let me know if u have any specific problems in physics .
It has been my favorite subject so I would be happy to help..

It was one of my favourite chapters.
Try to solve questions on ur own as much as u can u will see that u will be able to come out with some interesting tricks for the questions u thought were difficult and most importantly first work on ur foundation of the chapter .
Rest the other one is more of a theory chapter questions asked are majorly formula based .
Just read that and understand the origin of formulas that would be enough.
I am also in 12 standard and preparing for medical.
For electricity and magnetism u just need to learn formulae as they r based on numericals.
After that just read once or twice notes of chapters . You will easily do it