I am preparing gate exam for eee which book I have prefer plz help me
Best Books for GATE Electrical Engineering
1. Engineering Mathematics
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig
2. Electric Circuits
Transient Analysis Of Electric Power Circuits by Arieh L Shenkmann
Circuit Theory: Analysis & Synthesis by Abhijit Chakrabarti
3. Electromagnetic Fields
Elements of Electromagnetics by Mathew N. O. SADIKU
Engineering Electromagnetics by William H. Hayt
4. Signals and Systems
Signals and Systems by Oppenheim and Wilsky
Signals and Systems by Nagoor Kani
5. Electrical Machines
Electrical Machinery by P.S Bimbhra
6. Power Systems
Power Systems Engineering by Nagrath and Kothari
Power Systems by JB Guptha & CL Wadhwa
7. Control Systems
Control Systems Engineering by Nagrath and Gopal
8. Electrical and Electronic Measurements
Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation by AK Sawhney
9. Analog and Digital Electronics
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Boylestad
Digital Design by M.Morris Mano
Integrated Electronics : Analog And Digital Circuits And Systems by Christos C. Halkias, Chetan D. Parikh Jacob Millman
10. Power Electronics
Power Electronics by MH Rashid
Power Electronics by P.S.Bimbhra
For more preparation tips you can checkout the link below.
Hope you are doing great!!!
Here are some of the best books for preparing GATE for electrical Engineering:
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E Kreyszig
Transient Analysis of Electric power circuits by Arieh L Shenkmann
Circuit theory: Analysis and Synthesis by Abhijit chakrabarti
Elements of Electromagnetics by mathew N O SADIKU
Engineering Electromagnetics by Wiliiam H Hayt
Signal and Systems by Oppenheim and Wilsky
For more books:
https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/what-are-best-books-for-gate-electrical-engineering Hope it helps!!!