i got 333 marks in neet can i get bams from government college under general category
Dear Student,
the minimum marks required for a candidate belonging to general category to get a seat in a Government College for BAMS would be 350+. However this information is based on last years cutoff and can vary depending upon various reasons such as the number of seats available, the difficulty of the paper, the number of candidates appearing for the exam etc. Hence, kindly use the predictor tool given below to get your best admission predictions.
The bams cut off in Maharashtra for general category is between 420-450 so i dont see a chance in government college. I can lost you some private colleges you can apply to
- College of Ayurved, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune
CALL (https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-xiaomi-rev1&sxsrf=ALeKk03AHu2drmmKBo0RS5duhdXlFerT9g%3A1604743187736&ei=E3CmX5TCLJif4-EPm8u1kAo&q=bams+private+college+maharashtra&oq=bams+private+college+maha&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIFCAAQyQMyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMggIABAWEAoQHjIICAAQFhAKEB4yBQghEKABOgQIABBHOgcIIxDqAhAnOgoIIxDqAhAnEIsDOgQIIxAnOgcIABDJAxBDOgQIABBDOgcIABAUEIcCOgUIABCRAjoHCAAQsQMQQzoFCC4QsQM6BQgAELEDOgIIADoICAAQyQMQkQI6AgguOgoIABDJAxAUEIcCUMTqBljrmwdg26cHaAJwAXgAgAHIAogB6SySAQgwLjYuMTguMZgBAKABAbABD8gBCLgBAsABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#)
Dr dy patil college of ayurveda and research centre, pune
Aditya ayurvedic college, need
Jupiter ayurvedic medical college, nagpur
Pravara medical trust ayurvedic mahavidyalay, shegaon
You can further go to the link below
For All India Quota, cutoff for BAMS varies from 350+ to 490
Since you belong to Maharashtra, cutoff is always on higher side, ie- for general category for 85% quota will be around 400-420+ this year
So, with 333 marks, there is very less chance to get government college for BAMS
You can try for private BAMS colleges
Best of luck
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