I got 46 marks in ts eamcet and what is my rank and iam blowing to sc male category
Generally your eamcet rank is based on your total score of i.p.e+ eamcet score.so until and unless we know your i.p.e marks its tough to decide the rank based on previous year data.however i believe with 46 marks in eamcet and a decent score in i.p.e marks above 510 for 600 you will have fair chances to fetch in top 20-30 colleges easily.but this year due to covid crises it is said that ipe marks are not included in calculation of ts eamcet 2021.Based on expected marks vs rank, 46 marks can fetch you rank below 50k.note that this is the first time to calculate rank without ipemarks so we do not have any previous year trends to give you exact analysis of what to expect.The original rank may VARY.
hope this helps,