I got 60444 SC which college I get in JOSAA
It's difficult to predict college as it depends on number of factors such as:
- Number of seats available.
- Number of candidates willing for a particular branch and college.
- Category one belongs to.
- Home state in case of NITs
With your rank you might have chances in NIT Manipur, NIT Mizoram, NIT Goa, NIT Sikkim, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, NIT Meghalaya, NIT Durgapur, BIT Jalandhar if anyone of them is home state to you.
Other good government college you can consider is HBTU. There are high chance that you get seat here.
Please refer to following link to know about JOSSA councelling result of previous year -
Here's is link for predicting college depending on your rank-
https://engineering.careers360.com/jee-main-college-predictor?icn=QnA&ic i=qna_answer
Hope this helps you.