i got 61 out 180 in my kcet 2021 (according to the provisional answer key) what is my predicted ranking
Dear Aditi,
According to your KCET marks , your rank may be lie between the range of 10000-20000, and with this rank .. you can get the following colleges :
- RV College of engg, Bangalore
- BMS college of engg, Bangalore
- PES University, Bangalore
- Ramaiyah Institute of technology, bangalore
- The national Institute of technology , Mysuru and many more
You can use this college predictor tool for your reference : ( to know your chances of getting admission in the above as well as other colleges based on your rank)
You can also go through this link for knowing the comparison in between ranks and marks .
Hope this helps !
Best wishes !!
KCET Sample Papers
Students looking for KCET preparation, can download free question paper from here.