I got 75.5%ile in AEEE PHASE 1. What course will I get?? i have state quota in Tamil Nadu
Dear aspirant,
It is quite difficult to predict the exact cut-off situation as it keeps varying every year based on the difficulty level of the question paper, the preferences of students, the number of students attempting the exam etc.
We don't have any official cut-off details as well and hence it gets harder to make predictions.
Looking at the previous year trends we can say that you have a really good chance of getting CSE in Coimbatore Campus as you have Tamilnadu state quota. The closing rank for the state quota is usually greater than 10 K. You have a very good chance of getting any branch of your choice in the Coimbatore campus
75.5 percentile might get you a rank of around 6 K and hence you have a good chance of getting CSE in Bangalore and Amritapuri campus as well.
For more information please refer to the link below.
Hope this helps.