I got 84 marks in mht cet and I need CS branch in pune which colleges I need to apply please help me out
Hello Aspirant,
Congratulations for a attaining such a wonderful marks in MHT CET 2021.
On the basis of your marks in MHT CET and considering you under General Category, as you haven't mentioned your caste category you have a good chance to get seat in these good colleges in Pune for BE Computer Science and Engineering as per last year's cut-off state rank -
• Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Pune
• PDEA's College of Engineering, Pune
• JSPMs Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Technology and Research, Pune
• SVPM's College of Engineering, Pune
• Keystone School of Engineering, Pune
• ABMSP's Anantrao Pawar College of Engineering and Research, Pune
• Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune
Further you can also use this College Predictor tool to know your admission possibilities for CSE Branch -
Hope it will help.
All the Best.