I got 86 rank in TSPGECET 2019 belong to BC-B category.can i get seat in OU or JNTUH.
Hey Akshay kumar,
For the rank you have secured you have few chances to get M.Tech Admission at Osmania University. As there are only few chances because first preference at the time of seat allotment is given to GATE and GPAT students . After their seat allotment then the admission is alloted to TS PGECET students. Osmania University is ranked at 43rd allover the India In University Rankings by NIRF MHRD Government Of India. The Osmania University is rated as AAAA by Careers360 in terms of all aspects. It is accredited with NAAC A+ grade. For more details about this university you can check here:
For more details about TS PGECET counselling details you can check here: