i got nta of 75.01 percentile i belongs to obc catogery, is their a chance in nit/iiit/gfit or showed i go for next time
According to your percentile your All India rank would fall somewhere between 255648-287385. With this rank it is impossible for you to get a seat in any of the IIITs or NITs. Moreover, it seems next to impossible to get a seat in any of the GFTIs (Government Funded Technical Institutions) also. But you can check the Opening and Closing ranks of Ghani Khan Choudhary Institute of Engineering and Technology, Malda, West Bengal. Since you didn't mention your stream, it is not possible for me to predict. Go through the official website of JOSAA by copy paste this link in your browser
To check your rank by yourself please go through this link
TO see Other colleges According to your rank please visit this link
Now, I strongly suggest you to go for another two attempts. If you filled the form of April Session (April session has been postponed) and if you didn't fill up for April session, then you must fill for May Session. Registration process for May session has been commenced form today i.e. 3rd May 2021 and you can fill upto May 12th, 2021.
To know more about May session please go through this link
Good Luck.