i need a total inter MEC 1st year portion of 2022
Hello Aspirant,
Hope you are doing good.
you did not mention to which state you belong to. According to your profile, you belong to Telangana State.
subjects in MEC group are maths, economics and commerce.
mathematics syllabus is:
for 1A, Functions, Matrix, addition of vectors, vector products, trignometric rations up to transformation, hyperbolic equations, properties of triangle.
For 1B, locus, transformation of axis, straight lines, pair of straight lines, three dimensional co-ordinates, direction cosines and direction ratios, the plane, limits and continuity, differentiation and application of derivatives.
Economics syllabus is:
unit 1: Introduction to economics ( definitions of economics, fundamental problems of an economy, nature and scope of economics, micro and macro economics, basic concepts of economics (including positive and normative economics)).
Unit 2: theory of consumer behaviour (utility, laww of diminishing marginal utility, law of equi marginal utility, short comings of utility analysis, indifference curve analysis: features of indifference curves- budget line- consumers equilibrium wityhthe help of different curve analysis.
Unit3: Demand Analysis
part A: Theory of Demand ( meaning of demand, demand function, determination of demand, types of demand, price demand- law of demand, income demand, cross demand).
Part B: elasticity of Demand (elasticity of demand, price elasticity of demand, income elasticity of demand, cross elasticity of Demand)
Unit 4: prtoduction analysis (concept of production and factors of production, production function, law of variable proportions, laws of returns to scale, economies of scale, supply and law of supply, cost analysis and revenue analysis).
Unit5: Market Analysis (markets meaning and classification, perfect competition: meaning characteristics and price determination, monopoly: meaning, characteristics and price determination, comparison between perfect competition and monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and duopoly: meaning and characteristics.)
Unit 6: theories of Distribution (distribution of income, marginal productivity theory of distribution, concept of rent and recardian theory of rent, concepts of wages, interest and profits.
unit 7: national income analysis( definitions, determination, concepts, components, measurements and estimation)
unit 8: theories of employment and public finance ( classical theory of employment, keynesian theory of income and employment, public finance, center state financial; relations and budget).
unit 9: money, banking and inflation.
unit 10: basic statistics for economics.
Commerce syllabus:
unit 1: fundamentals of business
unit 2: forms of business organizations
unit 3: formation of company as per Companies act, 2013.
unit 4: sources of business finance
unit 5; MSMEs.
hope this information helps...
all the best.
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