I want to step forward with only physics and mathematics. After 12. What are the best scopes for me....
Hello Ravi Nagarwal
If your interested in physics and mathematics you can go with or step forward with BSC PCM-BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BSC) IN PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS.
The department of physics provides high quality physics education, producing well prepared BSc graduates who are confident in their abilities and understanding of physics. It also promotes research and creative activities ofstudents by providing exposure to the realm of physical science and technical expertise. The BSc programme in physics is designed to provide a thorough basic knowledge in physics at the under graduate level.
The undergraduate course in Mathematics is designed to enable the students to lay a strong foundation in various fields of Mathematics. The course enables the students to develop a respectable intellectual level seeking to expose the various concepts in Mathematics. It also aims at enhancing the students reasoning, analytical and problem solving skills. The first four semesters are devoted to appreciate the beauty of mathematics through Introductory Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations and Calculus of several variables. In order to help the students in exploration of mathematical concepts through activities and exploration, FOSS(Free and Open Source Software) tools like SCILAB and MAXIMA are introduced.Students find better perceptions of the classical papers like Abstract Algebra, Linear Algebra and Real and Complex Analysis in final year. Numerical Analysis, Fourier series and Integral Transforms papers help the students to envisage an in depth knowledge of various numerical methods and integral transforms required in Scientific and Technological Applications.
Hi Ravi Nagarwal !
I appreciate your decision . Physics is one of the most interesting and researchful subject and without Mathematics , life is impossible. So , If you want to continue you studies in field of Maths and Physics then do Bachelor in Science .