If I did not get seat in second round in kcet can I go for third round or not?? My rank is 59562 I am OBC and I am waiting for cs ...
If you did not get the seat in the previous round then you go for the next round and you can fill the choices for the vacant seats. If you fulfill the eligibility criteria then you will ge the college of your choice in the seat allottment process. But the care should be taken in filling the choices as the admission will be given according to the preference in the choices you have filled.
Hello Ayub,
I would suggest you to wait till the last round of the counselling, as there might be chances for you getting a seat. But CSE ,i think is a bit tough chance. So kindly apply for any other colleges as a backup option. But you may get CSE in not so good colleges in upcoming rounds.
All the best for your successful career.