If i do resonance rank booster + NCERT + NCERT examplar in Physics and chemistry can i score 80 80 in each please answer
Answer (1)
Hello Ankur
The foremost thing is you should keep your concepts clear + the basics. If your concepts are strong then your can solve any type of question. Hope you're getting my point.!
You can refer any reference which you find easy in understanding (language point of view) and then study topics having high weight age + from which maximum questions are asked every year.. from that book.
Do refer NCERT first and be thorough with it.
Note down the important formulae in a separate book as it'll help you till the end for easy and quick revision.
Try to practice MCQs topicwise on the same day of studying so that your concepts are more clear + you'll know the applications of the formulae and the logic where and when to apply.
Study this way.
Prepare well and study smart.!
Good Luck.!
The foremost thing is you should keep your concepts clear + the basics. If your concepts are strong then your can solve any type of question. Hope you're getting my point.!
You can refer any reference which you find easy in understanding (language point of view) and then study topics having high weight age + from which maximum questions are asked every year.. from that book.
Do refer NCERT first and be thorough with it.
Note down the important formulae in a separate book as it'll help you till the end for easy and quick revision.
Try to practice MCQs topicwise on the same day of studying so that your concepts are more clear + you'll know the applications of the formulae and the logic where and when to apply.
Study this way.
Prepare well and study smart.!
Good Luck.!