If I solve marvel and target for mhtcet 2018 does it help me to score 200
- Revise all important topics first
- Make notes in the form of key points and formulas
- the paper level will be easier than jee main, so dont worry much
- Solve all last year question papers
- Refer Ncert books and have good grasp on concepts
Remember once concepts of a particular topic are clear than whatever book you refer doesnt hold much importance. Always practice questions from variety of books. Yes marvel is a good book.
According, to the latest changes MHT CET level is raised to JEE Main.
To score good marks in MHT CET make sure your concepts are clear. Scoring good marks totally depends on how much your fundamentals are clear. If your basics are clear you can easily solve tricky questions.
First, you should complete your syllabus from your textbook after that you can go for Marvel and Target publication.
Practice as much as you can. You can solve MCQs related to important topics. Solve complete mock test series for your time management and to judge your performance level. Work on your strength and weakness.
All the Best for your preparation!!