If we choose float option and if in next rounds we don't get higher preference seat then can we still have that seat which we got before choosing the float option.
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First let me clear you these three terms during the josaa counseling, that is - FREEZE, FLOAT and SLIDE
FREEZE - It means that you have accepted the alloted seat and you are satisfied with it. And you do not want to participate in further rounds of josaa main round counseling.
FLOAT - It means that you have accepted the alloted seat but you want admission to a higher preference in any Institute in further josaa counselling and if alloted, then you will accept it. Otherwise you will have to continue with the previously alloted seat.
SLIDE - If you accept the alloted seat but want a seat higher preference within the same Instituteor college but participating in further josaa rounds and if alloted, you will accept it.
So, if you choose float or slide option and if in next rounds you don't get higher preference seat then you will be still having that previously alloted seat in float or slide option.
Also check out the following link to know more about the josaa counseling :-
Yes you already pay for the seat you were first alloted, so that always stays, whether you freeze, float or slide.
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