Im not able to do plant physiology its weightage is less and the mcqs i practised are coming wrong its very demotivating what should i do?
For starters you know that the weightage it has is much lesser than various other topics. And so keeping that in mind, your preparation should focus on the topics that carry bigger weightage and you can leave Plant Physiology to the last week or 2. Alternatively, pick up your class notes and check for important points. More importantly:
1. Please don't get Demotivated. Keep up your spirits. Take a pause.
Think and change the monotony.
2. Read the NCERT. Once you are done with it only then move on to the MCQs. Try to solve the previous year papers first. Then test yourself.
3. To learn- try to teach. Yes, no student required. Teach the read material to yourself or may be a wall can be your companion! Make colourful and well organised charts while studying for the important topics and place them near the study table. Search for the most occurring topics and focus on them. This is will help you save time and get into your mind easily.
4. Relax. It's just an exam. And it's just a subject. Keep calm. And come up with innovative ideas of learning. Learn with the practicals in your surrounding.
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