in cucet exam there are two exam UGQP01 and UGQP02. Do I have to appear in both or I have choice to attend any one??
Paper code UGQP01 and UGQP02 caters to different courses in CUCET, such as BTech/Integrated MSc/Integrates BSc Hons MSc/BSc/Integrated BSc-BEd/BEd etc for the first paper and BA Hons/BSc Hons/integrated BA-BEd/BBA etc, you can check out the entire list at, hence it depends you have filled the application form for which course, and according you have to appear for that specific paper, the exam for both the paper will be conducted for two hours carrying 100 questions in MCQs format, for each question four marks are awarded, and in case of wrong attempt one mark is to be deduced, now there is difference in the question patterns as mentioned below
- in case of paper code UIQP01, out of 100 MCQs, there will be two parts, part A has 25 questions from english/general knowledge/numerical ability and part B has 75 questions from PCM/B (that is 25 questions from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology individually)
- for the paper code UIQP02, 100 MCQs are to be from sections such as english/numerical ability/data interpretation/analytical skills/reasoning/general aptitude and general knowledge.
Hope, this clears all your doubt. if you still have any queries you can go through the information bulletin attached above, else write down in the comment box below.