ipmat number of chances how many times i can give ipmat exam till what age
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The IPMAT exam is conducted for admissions to Five-Year Integrated Programme in Management at IIM Indore.
As per the IPMAT eligibility criteria 2019, candidates are required to have a minimum of 60 percent marks in class X and XII in order to apply for the exam.
You can write the IPMAT as long as you do not cross the maximum age limit. The maximum age for appearing for the IPMAT as on July 31, of the year of appearing for general category and NC-OBC is 20 years. For SC/ST/PWD is 22 years on the same date.
And you can write as many times as you wish to provided you dont cross the age limit .'
heres is the link for futher details:
IPMAT Exam Sample/Question Papers
IPMAT previous years Questions and Sample Papers to boost your preparation.