Is 540 a good score in NEET 2021?
Yes 540 is a good score in NEET.
You can get many colleges with this marks.
Please go through the link below to find the available colleges with this marks.
Hope this was helpful to you.
Feel free to ask any question.
Thank you!
Hope you are doing well
First of all congratulations for getting good marks
Cut off vary every year because it depends on the following factors
1. Level of question paper
2. Total no of candidates appeared for exam
3. Category of candidate
4. No scored by candidates
5. Total no of seats
Your expected rank according to previous year analysis would be 58599 - 65727 but it may vary .
Further you can use college predictor tool too know about the colleges you can get with this score
Good luck
Hope it helps
Most Scoring concepts for NEET
This ebook serves as a valuable study guide for NEET exams, specifically designed to assist students in light of recent changes and the removal of certain topics from the NEET exam.