Is any S.C/S.T caste reservations in aeee? I got 5854 rank in aeee and I'm sc (women)..Is there any chances to get seat in coimbatore or any scholarship in amrita?
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Yes there are reservations provided to SC/ST candidates in AEEE. As you haven't specified the branch you want to get into, I assume you are seeking CSE as that is the most demanded branch.
To get into Computer Science Engineering in Amrita Coimbatore campus, you should have a really good rank in AEEE 2021. As this branch is a highly demanded branch, you should aim scoring 1000 in AEEE if you belong to open category. If you have state quota then a rank below 10000 will work.
As you are having a rank of 5854 it is a bit difficult for you to get CSE in Amrita Coimbatore campus if you have open quota.
l suggest you to try for CSE branch till 3rd round of seat allotment. If you still don't get a seat for CSE then you can go for ECE or other branches as per your preference.
You can visit the given link to get the previous year's cutoffs for AEEE:
Hope this helps
All the best
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