Is bits dubai is good as bits pilani. What about placements? Is it 100 percent?
BITS Pilani Dubai campus is one of the largest engineering institutions in the dynamic metropolis of Dubai. Course structure is same for a particular branch in all four Bits. BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus is a 2nd number campus of BITS .
Placement options:- BITS Dubai has two types of placement option one is through PS( Practice School) - it means wherever you will do an internship through practice school and if you are performing well as per company requirement then you can be a permanent employee of that organization. Secondly, there is a separate placement division which is carrying Job Fair, conducting an interview by calling top companies during campus placement times.
Average Salary of B.E.(Hons) in Computer Science: INR 1,300,000.
hope this helps
Hii,i am here to help you according to your query.Putting BITS Pilani Dubai Campus in the same category as American University of Sharjah is absurd.The definition of "real education" will depend from person to person. It will also depend on your background. I am a BITS Pilani student in Dubai and I will not hesitate to admit that there are flaws. It is not the best university in the world.But it is decent enough for me, to do what I want, better than my other alternatives.
The reason why I said it depends from one Indian person to another NRI person is because:
Do you want to do Engineering? Yes? Which I'm assuming you do since you mentioned of BITS Pilani in your post.
-Can you score enough for JEE-Advanced TO get the seat of your choice? There are lots of people here, at least 150+ who come from India to study here, many of whom not because they failed to get into JEE-Advanced but they failed to get the discipline of their choice.
-Can you afford education abroad in M.I.T, Harvard or any of the Ivy League colleges? If No,
-Can you go to American University of Sharjah? (This is actually a pun since AUS is supposed to be way better) No, too expensive?
-That's why BITS Pilani. No?
-Manipal? I guess I should stop here.
-To answer your main question, Placement "record" hasn't been good because the University doesn't create the person in you, they can only give you the platform. We receive companies, counselling and interview but if majority of us are here just for the degree or for continuing masters abroad or not even into engineering to begin with, that is what no college can do for you -- Create a passion for Engineering in the one who doesn't have any. It has to come from within.
Hope,this information helpful for you.Goodluck.

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