Is BITS goa as valuable as BITS pilani
Hello aspirant,
Is it likely good but the bits bits pilani is best option. You can consider bits Goa as second campus of that college. Also bits Goa is also very valuable cause it gives good placement and academics record. But bits pilani is best for its the main campus to be considered and has good ranking.
Bits Goa is not as valuable as pilani.
Dear candidate,
Bits pilani is the oldest and first branch of bits. BITS goa is also valuable as BITS pilani but they differ a little in infrastructure and placements. People prefer pilani because it is the oldest and the only disadvantage being reaching there as the only way is a car or bus from Delhi or a train from Delhi to a nearby railway station then half hour taxi.
Pefer bits pilani but bits goa is also very good.

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Hello Vatsal
See , if your branch is CSE , youll get good placements in all 3 campuses , Pilani being slightly better . And for other streams , on basis of placement and brand name , Pilani is far ahead of the other two campuses . The cons in Pilani are the weather and isolation . But if you get the same branch at Pilani and Goa , go for Pilani , dont care about the location .
There will always be good and bad profs in all colleges including IITs and BITS .