is clat exam is only mcqs based?
HI Aspirant,
Yes CLAT exam is MCQ based and the time duration of the exam is 2 hours.The language in which the exam is being conducted is English.The number of questions has been reduced from 200 to 150 in CLAT UG whereas, CLAT LLM has two sections; Objective and Subjective.You can check more details in the link below:
Hope it helps!!
For (Common Law Admission Test) CLAT UG you will get around 150 Questions and the Question will be Multiple Choice Questions, carrying 1 mark each, Total Marks- 150
For CLAT PG There would be 100 Questions and 2 essays as well which are subjective not objective. Total marks would be 150 in the exam.
Marking Pattern-
In CLAT UG, one incorrect answer will be resulted deduction of 0.25 marks.
In CLAT PG, the answers will be examined by the experts and better answer with better logic and concepts will get good marks.
CLAT UG Syllabus
1. English Language
2. Current affairs and General Knowledge
3. Legal Reasoning
4. Logical Reasoning
5. Quantitative Techniques
CLAT LLM Pattern
1. Constitutional Law
2. Other law Subjects including Contracts, Torts, Criminal Law, International Law, IPR, Jurisprudence.
To know about every single detail regarding CLAT UG PG LLM, please go through this link
Good Luck.