Is it possible to prepare for neet in 40 days??
Hello Sujitha,
Yes, of course. In order to score a good marks in the NEET 2019 examination, you should read NCERT books of Physics, Chemistry & Biology of class 11th & 12th at least 2 or 3 times for basics, your basics should be very clear upto class 12th. After that HC Verma for Physics (part -1&2), Biology by Trueman (volume-1&2) and Pradeep Guide on Biology, OP Tendon for Physical & Inorganic Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry of "Arihant Publication" for detail or extra knowledge. Your study materials provided in the coaching could also be helpful. You can also read more books whose names are given in the link given below
You should also try to solve the previous years question papers, this helps too much and you should also give the mock test to rectify yourself and build your confidence level.
For preparation of exam, the most important thing is your confidence after that you should know the whole syllabus and make your plan properly for learning new chapters, solving the numericals and revision. All three things should be the part of your preparation strategy in daily routine.
The main thing is that you have to build your concentration level, then only you can stay focused on your goal. I would like to say that please limit the study time between 10 to 12 hours and please increase your concentration and speed of reading, understanding and solving the problems then you will not face any kind of difficulty.
To know more about preparation tips, syllabus, important topics, prevoius year questions with the solution, chapter wise weightage & the best books, you may visit the link given below
In this way you will be able to prepare yourself well and score a good marks in the NEET exam.
Thanks for query on this platform, you may visit again for further queries.
All the best.
Hardly months are left for the entrance exam and all you need to do is study in a smart way- determine yourself and give your Bestttt possible.!
If you want to get admission Admission in your desired college then you've to perform very well and score maximum possible.
The following one month preparation strategy must be kept in mind which will help you to clear NEET exam and give your dreams the wings.!
1st week- go for Physics
Revise the most important chapters and cover the topics.
Electronic devices
Heat and Thermodynamics
Laws of motion
Oscillations and Waves
Make the formulae chart for the important chapters and revise every now and then- solve MCQs topicwise.
Refer book HC Verma- for revising basics + easy and quick understanding of the important topics. Try to practice maximum number of questions. This will give you enough idea of the question-level-pattern + your concepts will become more strong.! Hope you're getting my point.!
For 2nd week- go for Chemistry
Chemistry is the second most scoring subject after Biology. Refer NCERT first and then any reference for question practice.
Most important chapters are as follows:
Aldehydes and ketones and C.Acids
Chemical Kinetics
Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure
Organic Chemistry- basic rules and techniques
P-block elements
Do focus maximum on the organic chemistry chapters as every year 12-15 Questions are asked. Refer NCERT for basic rules and nomenclature understanding. Make quick notes of important topics so that you can revise it easily anytime later.
3rd week- Biology
The most scoring subject.!NCERTis highly important to be referred. 90% questions are asked from NCERT itself. And so read it line to line carefully- and making keyword type notes for brief summary of important chapters.
Diversity in the living world
Genetics and evolution
Human Physiology
Biotechnology and it's applications
Structural organization in plants and animals
Biology and Human welfare
Cell structure and functions
Read NCERT minimum 2-3 times before the exam and be thorough with it. You can easily score 320+ if you study this way in biology. Go through the
- examples
- classifications
- definitions
- Highlighted Information-words-figures
- statistics (minimum 3-4 questions are asked every year based on statistics- given in Ecology, Organisms and Population chapters..)
- diagrams and their labellings
- biological cycles
- tabular details (atleast 5 questions are asked from the tables information given in some chapters)
- reactions-mechanisms
- the summary part (most important- given at the end of every chapter)
Important chapters/topics revision
Go through the previous years solved Question papers. Focus on the type of questions asked. Practice questions and you'll get the question-level-pattern idea.
Plan your time very well. Forget everything except studies and focus on your goal. Schedule all your breaks, sleep cycle, study time within the boundaries of your timetable. Make sure you stick to it so that your study link is maintained and thus way you'll
cover the important topics too.
Do not study anything new now. Just make your studied concepts more strong and clear.
Commit to challenge your aim and to crack it.!
Keep high target, prepare well and study smart.!
Hope this helps.!
All the Bestt.!
Most Scoring concepts for NEET
This ebook serves as a valuable study guide for NEET exams, specifically designed to assist students in light of recent changes and the removal of certain topics from the NEET exam.
I would ask you to be a special attention to the chapters of thermodynamics, wave optics, mechanics and electromagnetism in physics with special reference to numericals on circuit diagram based problems
In organic chemistry kindly pay special attention to nomenclature and reaction mechanism with special reference to chapters of hydrocarbons and carbonyl compounds in organic chemistry please study The s, p d and f block elements properly with different important metallurgical catalyst reactions and ionic balancing and concentrate on molarity concepts as well as chemical kinetics and energetics with special reference to atomic structure and associated MCQ questions in physical chemistry
in biology a majority of the marks comes from animal physiology including the Human Physiology chapters of gastrointestinal system, endocrine system, respiratory system and nervous system, however plant physiology chapters of photosynthesis and animal kingdom phylogenetic and zoological classification as well as biomolecules and microbiological chapters of leishmania and plasmodium apart from recombinant DNA technology and genetics also form an important high yield scoring part of biology syllabus
what is most important with around 40 days left for Neet is a proper schedule to practice with the knowledge you already know and what is quintessential is you give time bound MCQ based mock examinations on a regular basis to help yourself with the time management and question selection skills
I would advise you to be stress free and not think about the outcome of the examination right now and just strengthen upon your existing preparation by going through notes in the form of flow diagrams of flowcharts if you have made to just device the concepts and their application along with dedication of 2 to 3 hours to each of physics, chemistry and biology with starting the Day bhaiya physics and biology and ending it with chemistry being the best strategy I could advice to you at this moment of time
hope you imagine flying colours and fulfill your wish but do not be disheartened in case you do not make it this time no chance is a last chance you will always have another opportunity awaiting you if you do not shine this time
All the best