is negative marking there for jipmer 2019?
Thanks for contacting Careers360.
Till 2017, there was no negative marking in JIPMER UG Entrance Examination.
However from 2018, JIPMER has included negative marking system.
Marking scheme-
Correct response -> +4
Incorrect response -> -1
No response -> 0
So, yes, there will be negative marking for incorrect response in JIPMER 2019.
Thank You
Best Of Luck
in such an examination where you have such a marking scheme it would be advisable that you going for the questions which you feel you might give a correct answer two sons you have to answer just one correct question to counterbalance the wrong answers and counter due to four negative responses however do not go about doing this indiscriminately sense it may not only affect your overall score but also decrease your rank in event of a tie where those with lesser negative responses will get a higher rank than you.
Dear Student,
Yes, there will be a negative marking for JIMPER 2019. 4 marks will be awarded for a correct answer and 1 mark will be deducted for an incorrect answer. No marks will be deducted for not attempting a question. You can visit the link of Careers 360 for more informations about the exam: