is st Francis college for women hyderabad good for ba economics
Hello shubhi
Please read this article I think you can easy to understand.
The quality of education is excellent. The best infrastructure in Hyderabad.
Placements: As my course is organic chemistry, there were not many placements related to work in the field of the laboratory. We had placement opportunities in international schools. That too was a good platform for the students who are interested. And few students were recruited in the college as an assistant professor.
Infrastructure: The best infrastructure in Hyderabad including medical facilities and sports. Good 5 years spent in my college with so many good memories with teachers and friends. The quality of education is excellent. All the teachers prepare so well for there classes including preparing presentations. The canteen food is also good.
Faculty: The teachers are well qualified. Most of them have completed their Ph.D. All the practical classes were very helpful and make us industry-ready. The teachers were very helpful in all our projects and preparations. The curriculum is perfect for the course every student requires to have the curriculum knowledge to work in the industry.
Other: The course is really enjoyable. It was fun learning and experimenting in the lab. We had many chemistry related competitions and fest. All the events and extracurricular activities were given equal importance along with education. It is a good platform to open up and explore your talents in your college life.
Best among India Today ranked colleges in Hyderabad in 2020
Ranking for Accounting & Commerce
All India
41 in 2020
Hope that's helpful
Best of luck