Is there any free CAT online classes? Please tell me.
Yes, of course there are. The comfort of home and liberty to chose your own timing is what online classes provide. Career Launcher has a comprehensive online course curriculum. Kindly visit their website and you will get all the details.
All the best!
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Hello Anubhav,
As told by Gunjan, they are available , I would like to add one more application which you can download from playstore easily is GRADEUP. It is quite helpful and provides good knowledge.
Hope this helps.
Tanushree Seth
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
Use NowDear Anubhav,
Here is a list of free online CAT class:
1. QS-LEAP: It gives you over 70 questions sets comprising of the complete syllabus of Verbal and Quant to help you with your preparation. It has forums run by CAT experts , where you can discuss all the intricacies involved in the exam.
2. PagalGuy: It is an online forum where you can find lots of information and latest news about CAT. Also, it offers free quiz and contests related to various sections of this test. Its mobile app Prepathon is hugely popular among the MBA aspirants.
3. Bulls Eye: This online resource offers free practice tests along with free study materials including vocabulary flashcards, guides for GD and PI, e-library with books and reviews, and weekly puzzles to bend your brain muscles.
4. Cracku: you can take free mock tests, solve previous CAT papers, free topic tests, and cheatsheets. Also, they provide weekly videos to explain CAT concepts in detail. You can access this site on mobile as well.
Hope it helps.
Good Luck.