is there negative marking for gate?
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GATE 2025: Syllabus | Sample Papers
Hello aspirant,
Yes, absolutely. There is negative marking in GATE exam.
0.33 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer, if you are doing 1 mark multiple choice questions. Similarly, 0.667 marks will be deducted if you give a wrong answer in multiple choice questions consisting of 2 marks and no negative marks for numerical answer type questions.
So be careful while solving the questions in GATE exam.
Hope, it helps you.
The question paper will have both multiple choice questions and non MCQ .Non MCQs are numeric only in type. Negative marking is there for only MCQs.For 1mark MCQ negative mark is 1/3 and 2 marks MCQs the negavtive marking is 2/3.Best wishes.
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For 1 markmultiple-choice questions, 1/3 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer. Likewise, for 2-marks multiple-choice questions, 2/3 marks will be deducted for a wrong answer. Thereis nonegative marking for numerical answer type questions.
Hope this helps you. Good luck !!