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Ranked 54th for MBA by BW Business World 2019. Ranked 57th for MBA by Business Today 2019. Ranked 93rd for MBA by Composite Rank 2019. Ranked 20th in Maharashtra B-Schools by Times B-School Survey 2019.The average placement at ITM, Mumbai is approx 5-7LPA. International companies also visit but only a few top students get placement in it. The teaching also good and college faculties are highly qualified in their education.The popular courses in ITM are MBA/PGDM
Yes,it is good for MBA. it was established in 1991.ITM dombivli Infrastructure is simply amazing. Placements are good in this. The highest package of this college is nearly 10 LPA. So many students placed in reputed companies. itm dombivili ranked 93rd for MBA by composite rank 2019 and ranked 57th for MBA by business today 2019.The popular courses in ITM are MBA/PGDM.The quality of teaching also good and college faculties are highly qualified in their education. Hope this information helps you.
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Download List HereHi. ITM ranks in the top 25-35 range of B-Schools in India. The placement records are good at ITM, Mumbai. It is not 100% but somehow near that. The college is focused about 100% placement so they don't consider about high placement packages. The average placement at ITM, Mumbai is approx 6 LPA. International companies also visit but only a few top students get placement in it.