I've Got 33,332 Rank In COMEDK Exam 2020 , Which All Colleges Should I Fill In The Choice Filling In Order To Get Admission In Btech Computer Science In A Good College ?
You haven't mentioned your category, hence presuming you to be General, as per previous year data at the end of round 2 COMEDK counseling you hold chances in the following colleges for CSE;
MS Engineering College
Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering
PES College of Engineering
PES Institute of Technology and Management
SDM Institute of Technology
Jyothi Institute of Technology
KLE Society's KLE Institute of Technology
Sri Krishna Institute of Technology
Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management
Raja Rajeshwari College of Engineering
These are entirely based on previous year cut-offs, remember that cutoffs vary every year based on multiple factors such as seat matrix, number of candidates appearing for the exam, difficulty level of paper, top score etc.