jac class 12 th Compamental result 2021 declare date
Hello Aspirant,
Hope you are doing well.
JAAC 12th compartment results will be announced in September 2021 by the Jharkhand Academic Council. The compartment results for the 12th board of examination will be available online at jacresults.com, the official result website. It is possible for students to check the JAC inter compartment result 2021 in the same way that they can check the annual JAC 12th result 2021.
To view the JAC 12th compartmental result 2021, they must first enter their roll number and roll code. July 2021 will be the date for the 12th compartment examination of the Joint Assessment Commission. The results of the JAC intermediate compartment were announced online on December 29, 2020, which was the same date as the previous season.
Hope you got the answer to your question. Incase of any queries, feel free to question. Have a great day!