Marks scored by wbjee topper in 2020
hello aspirant!!!
If you want to know about the marks scored by Souradeep Das (WBJEE Topper) then you will never find exactly as wbjee released its results on the basis of merit list. They do so because the cut offs varies every year. If you want to be one of the topper list then you must secure at least 180/200 or above by this you can easily come in top 10 candidates for sure
hope this will help you
so work hard!!
West Bengal WBJEE Results 2020: Souradeep Das from Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur topped the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE 2020) .
The exact score of the topper is not known but he scored 243+ in WBJEE
This year, a total of 73119 students appeared for the exam out of whom 72298 are ranked.
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