Most prefered books for iit jam physics which should me read please tell me and how i can crack iit jam please tell me somethingh about jam
Hi Nitesh,
You can click on How to prepare for JAM Physics to know the books, syllabus and other important preparation tips on IIT JAM Physics preparation.
Best wishes
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Iit jam preparation just starts when you entered in you undergraduations . Iit jam exam is one of the most prestigious exams of india which allows you to do your msc in IITs or NITs . This exam is tough because completion is high and seats are very limited .So here are some tips
*View iit jam syllabus
*Make notes of important concepts and formulas
*Solve previous year papers
*Give some mock tests
For books I would like to prefer your course books which are you studying in you college.( So you can prepare both iit jam and for semester exams as well )
Check out this also
Best wishes
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