My mat score is 621.50 nd percntile are 76.43 plz suggest me some better..
Hi Dear,
aacording to us , you are eligible for :
- NDIM, new delhi
- jaipuria institute of management , noida
- Vignana jyothi institute of management , hyderabad
- PSGIM coimbatore PSG institute of management
- AIMS bangalore
- IES management college and research centre , mumbai
- SCMS cochin : SCMS cochin schoo of business
- St. joseph's institute of management, bangalore
- Alliance Bangalore
- ITM navi mumbai
- BIMM pune
- ASBM bhubaneswar
- FIIB delhi
- Apeejay school of management , dwarka new delhi
- EMPI business school , new delhi
i hope this information is helpful for you
for more queries just contact with us
thank you
good luck