My name is Thallapelli Pavan Kumar.but in my ssc and diploma certificate My name written as Thallapelli PavanKumar without space between pavan and Kumar.And remaining documents like Aadhar ,PAN,Voter ID caste Etc documents are with space. Is there any problem in future jobs verifications?
Yes, this can create lot of problems in future because you name should be same in all your documents.Now, what you need to do is that you should apply for change/update in all your documents. In Aqdhar card for changing Name, Address, DoB, Gender, Mobile Number, Email) as well as Biometrics (Finger Prints, Iris & Photograph) you will have to visit Permanent Enrolment Center.
For PAN Card correction, you need to Request for the 'PAN change/correction' application form through the NSDL or UTI website.
For changes in Voter id card, Visit the official National Voters Services Portal:
Then, go to the option Correction of entries in electoral roll and then fill the form with details.
All this process might take 25 day to maximum 1 months.
I hope this helps.