My rank in srmjeee is 33000, i want cs branch, can i get in main campus? If not, then which campus wud b best?
Hey Yash Knows,
SRM University is ranked as Top private university in India.
It is ranked at 46th university by NIRF MHRD Government of India 2018 because it has well equipped labs,infrastructure, faculty,facilities,administration, research and development too!
For your rank you more chances to get admission in SRM University! but you can’t get a seat in CSE in SRM university Chennai campus!
For more details and rank predictor you can go through following website link which may help you,
All the best!
Hi, Chances to get CSE that too in main campus is not possible or less.
You will have to check what all colleges and branches you can get based on your rank and other parameters through college predictor below:
SRM College Predictor
Good Luck.
Chances are very less to get seat in CS in main campus of SRM But of you want you can try for other campuses of SRM. So to check the cut off trend for the same, you can go through below link -
SRMJEEE Cutoff 2017
Hope this helps!!!