My sc rank is 5000 in wbjee so can i get admission in Jadavpur in civil engineering?
The cutoff varies every year based on various reasons thus predicting the exact chances is hard.
Thus you can use our college predictor which will help you to get accurate results to know your chances of getting your desired college.
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Hope this helps and all the best
WBJEE is a general test and the results of which are used as basis for selecting candidates by many colleges. There are several institutes participating in WBJEE nad Jadavpur University is one of them.
Being from the SC category definitely gives you an advantage as the cut-off for SC category students is lower compared to general category students.
With your SC rank of 5000 you have quite good chances of getting admission in Jadavpur University for Civil Engineering as the cut-off ranks for it are as follows-
- Opening SC rank for Civil- 1097
- Closing SC rank for Civil- 6457
Use the below link to get all the information about Jadavpur University-
If you are interested to keep your options open then use the below link to predict colleges you can get with your rank-
Hope this helps.
WBJEE Sample Papers
Students looking for WBJEE preparation, can download free question paper from here.