Nit Rourkela Metallurgy vs Nit Durgapur ECE?
Nit rourkela is best for metallurgy,electrical, civil and chemical while nit durgapur is best for cse ,ece and IT. Placement record of nit rourkela is better than nit durgapur . Basically nit rourkela have better placement procedure. And research opportunity in nit rourkela is great they encourage student to go for project under them.
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NIT Rourkela is ranked 16 by NIRF whereas NIT Durgapur is ranked 47 by NIRF, both the colleges have government ownership, both colleges have facilities of girls hostel, boys hostel, wifi, gym, cafeteria etc, there are a total of 14 courses offered by NIT Rourkela in BTech whereas 8 courses offered by Nit Durgapur in BTech, the median salary of NIT Rourkela for btech is 6.50 lacs whereas 6 lacs in NIT Durgapur.
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Hope this helps, all the best.