Nit silchar cse vs nit hamirpur cse dual degree vs nit trichy chemical?Which one to chose
- Nit silchar 1809 JEE Main. 5.33 Lakhs course fees.
- nit hamirpur 25668 JEE Main. 8.57 Lakhs course fees.
- nit trichy 35773 JEE Main SAT is accepted too. 5.71 Lakhs course fees.
nit trichy has better reviews and remaining everything is almost same. So, you can decide according to your JEE Mains marks and see how it goes . Below is the link for you to compare all your colleges and pick out the best fit for you. Hope this helps.
Basically You must have a preferred branch before choosing any college. But here you are confused between different branches. So sort out the branch first then go on with the college selection. This helps you out in opting the college more easily.My suggestion is to take either NIT Silchar or NIT Hamirpur. If you are interested in dual degree course then choose that or give a preference to 4 year computer science degree.
I am providing you the link where all the three colleges are compared, this helps you even more to select your college :
Hope this helps..