Pgcet Karnataka 2021 exam date and registration date
Hello Student,
Karnatka PGCET 2021 will be organized in the first week of July 2021 in offline mode. Karnataka PGCET is a state level entrance exam conducted every year by the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA). Through this entrance test, students can get admiaaion to B.Tech, M.Tech, MCA, MBA etc.
For all the other information regarding application form, and dates you can visit the official website of Karnatka PGCET.
Hope this helps.
Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) will release Karnataka PGCET MBA 2021 application form tentatively in the Second week of June 2021. The exact date for the registration and the exam date are not yet announced. Those who are aiming to take admission in MBA programme in Karnataka or at the participating institute can fill Karnataka PGCET MBA application form 2021 on or before the last week of June.