please give information cucet exam ba+llb course exam syllabus
Dear Student,
The students appearing for the entrance test must be aware the syllabus of CUCET 2021 to know the important units and topics of the entrance exam syllabus. The CUCET entrance exam syllabus 2021 may vary depending upon the programmes applied by the candidates.
By BA LLB CUCET syllabus, students are able to learn and study about Law, the legal aptitude section, legal reasoning, logical reasoning, analytical abilities and various other disciplines.
Students will be judged on the following topics :
- English - Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, Word definitions, Analogies, Idioms and Phrases, One-word substitution, Sentence improvement & rearrangement, Fill in the blanks, Subject-Verb Agreement, Noun/ Pronoun/ Articles & Conjunction, Grammatical errors- tense, voice, preposition usage, speech errors, Correct Spelling, Spotting errors
- Numerical Aptitude
- Data Interpretation
- Analytical Skills
- Reasoning
- Legal Awareness - Indian Constitution, Indian Penal Code, Indian Contract Act, Family Law, Law of Torts, Legal fundamentals and terms, Legal Maxims, Important Landmarks, Supreme Court Judgements
- General Aptitude
- General Knowledge - Politics, Ancient, Medieval, Modern and World History, Geography, Economics (Outline of Indian Economy, Five Year Plans, National Income of India, Indian Tax Structure), Science and technology, Environment & Ecology, General Science, National & International Burning topics, Books and Authors, Environment, Industries, Major Industries in India, Agriculture, Awards and Achievements
Happy Learning!