please give me sample Nata papers
Dear Aspirant,
On January 17, the Council of Architecture (COA) published the NATA 2019 Exam Template with a full details brochure. The NATA 2019 exam pattern provides insights into the structure of the exam, such as the mode of examination, the subjects from which the questions will be asked, and the type of question. These details would help NATA applicants not only to prepare in an effective manner, but only for the topics covered by the examination. As per the NATA exam pattern for 2019, the entrance exam will include a single paper that will be part online (Part A) and part offline (Part B).
- The duration of the test will be 3 hours.
- The question paper will have two parts, Part A and Part B.
- Part A will be conducted online and will include multiple choice questions (MCQs). A total of 60 questions from Mathematics (20 questions) and General Aptitude (40) will be asked. The total duration of Part A will be 60 minutes
- Part B is an offline (or pen-and-pencil based) drawing test, consisting of two questions each containing 40 marks. Responses must be written in A4 Scale Document. The overall length of Part B will be 120 minutes The article will be in English only.
- There is no negative marking for it.
Practicing mock test or sample papers can help you improve your time management during the exam and also help you understand your current position regarding the preparation. To access the mock test paper, here is the link:
Hope this helps. All the best!
NATA Sample Papers
Candidates can download NATA Question/Sample papers from here for better preparation.