please send the syllabus of ISI entrance exam for B math
Hello Candidate
The authorities have released the exam pattern of ISI admission test 2021 on the official website. Using the ISI 2021 exam pattern, candidates are able to know the pattern in which the question paper of ISI admission test 2021 will be prepared.
The syllabus for math includes the following topics
Linear algebra
vector spaces and linear transformations, direct sum, matrices and systems of linear equations, characteristic roots and characteristic vectors, Cayley Hamilton theorem, diagonalization and triangular forms, quadratic forms.
Abstract Algebra
Groups: subgroups, products, cosets, Lagranges theorem, group homomorphism, normal subgroups and quotient groups, permutation groups, Sylow theorems. Rings and integral domains: subrings, ring homomorphism, ideals and quotient rings, prime and maximal ideals, products, Chinese remainder theorem, prime and irreducible elements, principal ideal domain, unique factorization domains. Polynomial rings: division algorithm, roots of polynomials. Fields: characteristic of a field, field extensions, finite fields.
Calculus and real analysis
Real numbers, limits, continuity, uniform continuity of functions, differentiability of functions of one or more variables and applications, convergence of sequences and series; indefinite integral, fundamental theorem of Calculus, Riemann integration, improper integrals, double and multiple integrals and applications, sequences and series of functions, uniform convergence, solutions of ordinary differential equations.
Graph Theory
Connectedness, trees, vertex coloring, planar graphs, Eulerian graphs, Hamiltonian graphs, digraphs and tournaments.
Counting principles, Ramsey theory, binomial coefficients, recurrence relations, divide-and-conquer recurrences, recurrences involving convolution and their use in counting, Fibonacci numbers, generating functions, solving recurrence relations using generating functions
To get detailed information about the exam pattern and syllabus click on the provided link |
Hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!