The college you have mentioned are well known college. Now if you have to choose any one then you have to know the parameters.
I would recommend you that COER Roorkea will be a better option. COER has better infrastructure with a very nice environment for the students. The college is very ambient with some great teachers from good research backgrounds. The college offers a decent placement of 89% which is much greater than the rest of the two with average salary of Rs. 3.5LPA-5LPA.
Although ABES has a good placement scenario which is appreciable. Thus I would say if you have to choose then go for either ABES or COER. MIET is also good but it have lack in number of companies in campus placements.
To know more about COER visit the link below:
To know more about MIET visit the link below:
To know more about ABES visit the link below:
**Your career is the most important perspective for your life. So take decision based on what you understand and not on only the said.
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!
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