Pls reffer books fr bits entrance
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Heya aspirant.
There are no particular books for cracking bitsat exam.
Bitsat exam is a combo of both PCM plus the english, so you need to prepare yourself accordingly.
If you go for coaching then the package provided for IIT exams are sufficient as the level is little less than IIT. And for English focus on basics for the sentence correction part, hence I would suggest "wren n Martin-english"
And vocabulary building practisces from newspaper and novels.
Do revise your formulaes prior to exam date and manage your time.
All the very best.
But for practice, you should have books that are exam oriented. And the level of questions in BITSAT is not higher than jee mains. So while you are practicing, there is no need to practise separately.
BITSAT 5 Year's Question Papers with Solutions
Candidates can download BITSAT 5 year's question papers to boost their preparation.
2. BITSAT English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning by Disha Experts
1.SL.Arora(basic theory for boards as well as for Entrance exams)
2.HC.Vermatheory and problems
you have done these above two books, you are done with syllabus.
3.Cengage learning physics by b m sharmatheory as well as problems for jee advanced. If u are done till here u are done with an expected decent rank
4. now if are confident on your physics and want to get a good rank u can buyirodovorproblems and solutions in physics by shashi bhushan tiwari(OPTIONAL)
1 First of all u can buy theCENGAGE setof 6 books for chemistry (exam crack series) byKS.Vermafor theory purpose andconcise inorganic chemistry by JD.Lee(Wiley)
2 Organic chemistry bySolomon & Fryhle
Do clear your basics fromRD.Sharmaand then only proceed further
1.Algebra: G Tewani (cengage)
2.Trigonometry , vector and 3 d geometry: G Tewani (cengage)
3.Calculus: G Tewani (cengage)
4.Coordinate geometry: Arihant (s k goyal)
5.Play with graphs: Amit M Agrawal
Books according to
Easy << Medium <<< Toughest
PHYSICS- DC.Pandey <<B. M sharma <<< Anurag Mishra (toughest)
PHYSICAL- P Bahadur << RC Mukherjee <<< Narendra Awasthi (toughest)
ORGANIC- OP.Tandon << Himanshu Pandey <<< MS.Chouhan (toughest)
INORGANIC- JD.Lee << V.Joshi <<< V.K. Jaiswal (toughest)
Math Guide- ML.Khanna << TMH <<< A Das Gupta (toughest)
PHYSICS- NCERT IS CONFUSING.For BITS focus mechanics most as 50% question are from there as well as topics of 12th like OPTICS, MODERN PHYSICS, CURRENT and electrostatics. Get a good Physics reference book (not HC Verma) for the exams. Important topics from 11th includework, power and energy, momentum conservation, friction, gravitation, rotational dynamics, waves and KTG. Important topics from 12th also includeSemiconductors, logic gates and communication systems.
CHEMISTRY-TrustNCERTChem, give first priority to ORGANIC THEN INORGANIC.Bitsat Chemistryrequires some extra input as there are several topics which are not in +2 syllabus, Bio-Chemistry portion is too vast. Petroleum, dyes and drugs, probably some parts of biochemistry.eukaryotic cells, the boiling point of petroleum , the structure of antifertility drug and the order of sweetness of artificial sweetners, Biomolecules, Chemistry in Everyday Life
MATHEMATICS-Coordinate Geometry, Calculus,Complex Number, VECTOR, 3D, andStatistics (some parts of it), Exponential and logarithmic series (Very Imp), integral calculus, binomial theorem and complex no. most important. For BITS Algebra portion is more like complex nos, seq and series, functions.NEVER ever trust NCERT Mathsfor any competitive exams, BITSAT is more of a speed test just like the JEE Mains examination.
Questions are easier than JEE Mains but more in number with a bad negative marking +3-1 with expected value less than JEE main +4-1 gives a positive expected value.
The level ofHARDWORKfor BITSAT is in-between the JEE Mains & Advanced examination and around65-70 %of the questions asked are from class 12th syllabus.
Consists of 150 questions(+12 Extra Questions if you attempt all the 150 and have time left).The breakup of questions is as follows-
Physics-40 Questions(+4 Extra Questions)
Chemistry-40 Questions(+4 Extra Questions)
Mathematics-45 Questions(+4 Extra Questions)
English & Logical Reasoning-25 Questions
Best of LUCK
Dear Jitendra,
To score good marks in BITSAT your concepts should be clear and NCERT is the best book to make your base strong and to build your fundamentals strong.
After completing your NCERT you can recommended below books for your preparation
Concepts of Physics by H. C Verma
Physics Series by D. C Pandey
Inorganic Chemistry by O. P. Tandon
Organic Chemistry by Arihant
Objective Mathematics by R. D. Sharma
You can also go for complete package by Arihant and Disha.
Alongwith, these books you should refer previous year papers to know the exam pattern and level of questions. Solve complete mock test series to work on time management and to increase your speed. It will also help you to analyze your preparation level and you will get to know your weak and strong areas. So, you can work upon them.
All the Best for your Preparation!!