Pros and cons of md psychiatry superspecilities after md psychiatry . is it true that after md pyschiatry we can do dm neurologyy???
Hello Saikiran,
Psychiatry is an upcoming branch in our country. Here I will try and list the potential pros and cons of specialising in this field.
1. Due to the relative dearth of psychiatrists and growing awareness about mental health worldwide, the field can offer great prospects.
2. A lot of scope of research and getting published and recognised, since little scientific work has been done in this area in our country.
1. The massive stigma attached to mental mental illness, which although we are overcoming gradually still keeps a lot of patients from seeking help and coming to the hospital.
2. The mental distress the job can potentially cause. The process of healing when it comes to mental illnesses can be very very long and slow. It may take a toll to meet several people in a day who have experienced immense pain in their lives, to so personally know their story and their struggles and yet stay detached and not bring it home. This can be a challenge for a lot of people. Especially when despite your best effort the progress seems to be so slow and the problems so great.
Coming to your second question, no.
DM neurology can be pursued following MD medicine.