Sample paper for MA English entrance exam
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Hello Sameeksha,
For admission into MA english you would have to score a good percentile in your past BA course examinations as well as in the entrance exam that the college you are applying for conducts. Of course certain colleges may take into account only the entrance to examination marks or some might consider both the BA percentile and the entrance examination.
Now another factor THQT you WOUOD want to consider is the cutoff that the college wants for it's applicants to be eligible that is their eligibility criteria may state a certain cutoff based on the number of applicants, number of seats and the average score that the applicants have managed to achieved. These colleges may have an eligibility criteria of 70% of the average score or some similar cutoff which hence depends on the all over performance of the applicants.
You can look for sample papers here -
Usually the examination is based on the syllabus of BA 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year in order to allow the applicants to crack the examination with what they have learnt over the previous years. You can even obtain sample papers from the books issued from the stationaries and solve them within a given time frame as practice.
I hope this helps.
All the very best!
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